API Docs for:

Y.DataTable.EditorOptions.inlineDate Class

Inline Cell Editor "inlineDate"

This View configuration is used to setup an editor referenced as "inlineDate" as a simple inline-type cell editor. It is identical to the "inline" textual editor but incorporates Numeric validation prior to saving to the DT.

Basic Usage:
    // Column definition
    { key:'weddingDate', editor:"inlineDate" }

    // Column definition with user-specified 'dateFormat' to display Date in text box on display
    { key:'date_of_claim', editor:"inlineDate", editorConfig:{ dateformat:'%Y-%m-%d'} }
Standard Configuration

This inline editor creates a simple INPUT[type=text] control and positions it to match the underlying TD node. Since a JS Date object isn't very pretty to display / edit in a textbox, we use a prepFn to preformat the Date in a human-readable form within the textbox. Also a saveFn is defined to convert the entered data using Date.parse back to a valid JS Date prior to saving to the DT.

The configuration {Object} for this cell editor View is predefined as;

    Y.DataTable.EditorOptions.inlineDate = {
         BaseViewClass:  Y.DataTable.BaseCellInlineEditor,
         name:           'inlineDate',

         // Define default date format string to use
         dateFormat: "%D",

         // Setup input key filtering for only digits, "-" or "/" characters
         keyFiltering:   /\/|\d|\-/,

         //  Function to call just prior to populating the INPUT text box,
         //   so we pre-format the textbox in "human readable" format here
         prepFn: function(v){
             var dfmt =  this.get('dateFormat') || "%m/%d/%Y";
             return Y.DataType.Date.format(v,{format:dfmt});

         // Function to call after Date editing is complete, prior to saving to DataTable ...
         //  i.e. converts back to "Date" format that DT expects ...
         saveFn: function(v){
             return Y.DataType.Date.parse(v);

PLEASE NOTE: All other attributes from the BaseViewClass apply and can be included within the editorConfig object.

Item Index





A user-supplied Date format string to be used to display the date in the View's container. (Must conform with date format strings from http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/Date.html#method_format, i.e. strftime format)

Default: "%D"