API Docs for:

Y.DataTable.EditorOptions.number Class

Popup Cell Editor "number"

This View configuration is used to setup a basic numeric editor as a popup-type cell editor. A saveFn is prescribed that handles validation and converting the input text to numeric format.

Basic Usage
   // Column definition
   { key:'salary', editor:"number" }

   // Column definition ... disabling keyfiltering and setting a CSS class
   { key:'firstName',
     editor:"text", editorConfig:{ className:'align-right', keyFiltering:null }
Standard Configuration

This editor creates a simple INPUT[text] internally within the popup Editor View container positioned directly over the TD element. Configuration is almost identical to text editor except for the pre-selection of contents and conversion of saved value to numeric format in saveFn.

The configuration {Object} for this cell editor View is predefined as;

   Y.DataTable.EditorOptions.number = {
       BaseViewClass:  Y.DataTable.BaseCellPopupEditor,
       name:           'number',
           // Template.Micro template
           html: '<input type="text" title="inline cell editor" class="<%= this.classInput %>"  />'
       inputKeys: true,

       // only permit digit, '.' and '-' keys in the input, reject others ...
       keyFiltering:   /\.|\d|\-/,

       // Set a flaoting point number validation RegEx expression
       validator:  /^\s*(\+|-)?((\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+))\s*$/,

       // Function to call after numeric editing is complete, prior to saving to DataTable ...
       //  i.e. checks validation against ad-hoc attribute "validationRegExp" (if it exists)
       //       and converts the value to numeric (or undefined if fails regexp);
       saveFn: function(v){
           var vre = this.get('validator'),
           if(vre instanceof RegExp) {
               value = (vre.test(v)) ? +v : undefined;
           } else {
               value = +v;
           return value;

       // Set an after listener to this View's instance
       after: {

           // After this view is displayed,
           //   focus and "select" all content of the input (for quick typeover)
           editorShow : function(o){
               // initially set focus / select entire INPUT

PLEASE NOTE: All other attributes from the BaseViewClass apply and can be included within the editorConfig object.

Item Index





A validation regular expression object used to check validity of the input floating point number. This can be defined by the user to accept other numeric input, or set to "null" to disable regex checks.

Default: /^\s*(\+|-)?((\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+))\s*$/