API Docs for:

gallery-datatable-contextmenu Module

Available since 3.8.0

This module defines a plugin that creates up to three gallery-contextmenu-view instances on a single DataTable, each delegated to the contextmenu event on the THEAD, TBODY and TFOOT containers.

A typical use case might be as follows;

   // Create a DT with local data ...
   var myDT = new Y.DataTable({
       data: mydata,
       columns: mycolumns

   // plugin this module to give a right-click menu on the TBODY and the THEAD
   //    tdMenuChange and thMenuSelect are functions defined to respond to
   //    context menu choices (not shown ... see examples)
       // This is a contextmenu on the TD nodes ...
           menuItems: [
               {label:"Edit",  value:"e" },
               {label:"Update", value:"u"},
               {label:"Delete Record", value:"d"}
             'selectedMenuChange': tdMenuChange

       // and this is a contextmenu on the header TH nodes ...
           menuItems:  [ "Sort A-Z",  "Sort Z-A",  "Hide" ],
           after: {
               'selectedMenuChange': thMenuSelect

This module provides the following classes: