API Docs for:

Y.DataTable.BaseCellInlineEditor Class

A View class that serves as the BASE View class for a TD Cell "inline" editor, i.e. an editor that is a single INPUT node that completely overlies the TD cell. This editor is intended to replicate the familiar "spreadsheet" type of input.

Editing / Validation

This editor view creates a simple INPUT[type=text] control and repositions and resizes it to match the underlying TD, set with a z-Index to visually appear over the TD cell.

Key listeners are provided to detect changes, prohibit invalid keystrokes (via the keyFiltering setting) and to allow validation upon a "save" entry (keyboard RTN stroke) where a validator can be prescribed to allow/disallow changes based upon the overall "value" of the INPUT control.


The editor provides the capability to navigate from TD cell via key listeners on the following key combinations; * CTRL-arrow keys * TAB goes to RIGHT, SHIFT-TAB goes to left * ESC cancels editing * RTN saves cell

Key navigation can be disabled via the inputKeys attribute set to false.

When a "key navigation" request is received it is passed to the keyDir as a change in [row,col] that implementers can listen to "change" events on, to reposition and open editing on the new relative cell. (NOTE: This view does not reposition, it simply fires a keyDirChange event.


Several events are fired by this View; which can be listened for and acted upon to achieve differing results. For example, the Y.DataTable.EditorOptions.inlineAC (inline autocompletion editor) listens for the editorCreated event and once received, it configures the autocomplete plugin onto the INPUT node.


Ths Y.DataTable.BaseCellInlineEditor editor is intended to be configured by varying the configuration parameters (i.e. attribute and related configuration) to permit a variety of editing features.

Since the View class permits ad-hoc attributes, the implementer can pass many properties in during instantiation that will become available as run-time View attributes.

This Module includes several pre-defined editor configurations which are stored within the Y.DataTable.EditorOptions namespace (presently there are "inline", "inlineNumber", "inlineDate", "inlineAC"). New inline editors can be created and added to this namespace at runtime, and by defining the BaseViewClass:Y.DataTable.BaseCellInlineEditor property.

For example, the pre-built configuration object for the inlineDate inline editor is stored as Y.DataTable.EditorOptions.inlineDate.

To configure an editor on-the-fly (i.e. within a DataTable column definition) just include the configuration object options within DT's column editorConfig object, which is Y.merge'ed with the pre-built configs;

   // define an 'inlineDate' editor with additional configs ...
   { key:'date_of_claim', editor:"inlineDate", editorConfig:{ dateformat:'%Y-%m-%d'} }

This Y.DataTable.BaseCellinlineEditor class is similar to (and compatible with ) the Y.DataTable.BaseCellPopupEditor in another gallery module. Note that since the "inline" editor uses a simple INPUT[type=text] Node instead of an Overlay the codeline is quite a bit simpler.


  • This View doesn't work well with scrolling DT's, so I've disabled it currently.
  • Sometimes after a DT's editable ATTR is toggled true/false a "cannot read 'style'" message occurs and editing failes requiring a page refresh.



() private

Adds a listener to this editor instance to reposition based on "xy" attribute changes


() private

Processes the initial container for this View, sets up the HTML content and creates a listener for positioning changes


() private

The defaultFn for the editorCancel event


  • e

The defaultFn for the editorSave event


  • e EventFacade

    For editorSave event


  • o

Listener to INPUT "click" events that will stop bubbling to the DT TD listener, to prevent closing editing while clicking within an INPUT.


  • o EventFacade


() private

Listener to mouseleave event that will hide the editor if attribute "hideMouseLeave" is true


  • el
  • v
Number | String private

Helper method that returns the computed CSS style for the reference node as a parsed number


  • el Node

    Node instance to check style on

  • v String

    Style name to return


Number | String: Computed style with 'px' removed


  • cont
  • td

Resizes the view "container" to match the dimensions of the TD cell that is being edited.


  • cont Node

    The Node instance of the "container" of this view

  • td Node

    The Node instance for the TD to match dimensions of


  • e

This method can be used to quickly reset the current View editor's position, used for scrollable DataTables.

NOTE: Scrollable inline editing is a little "rough" right now


  • e EventFacade

    The xy attribute change event facade


() private

Detaches any listener handles created by this view


() public

Called when the user has requested to cancel, and abort any changes to the DT cell, usually signified by a keyboard ESC or "Cancel" button, etc..


() public

Cleans up the View after it is destroyed


() public

Hides the current editor View instance. If the optional hideMe param is true this View will be temporarily "hidden" (used for scrolling DT's when the TD is scrolled off/on to the page)


() public

Initialize and create the View contents




  • e

Key listener for the INPUT inline editor, "keydown" is checked for non-printing key strokes, navigation or ESC.

This method is intended to overridden by implementers in order to customize behaviors.


  • e EventFacade

    Keydown event facade


  • e

Provides a method to process keypress entries and validate or prevent invalid inputs. This method is meant to be overrideable by implementers to customize behaviors.


  • e EventFacade

    Key press event object


  • val

Saves the View's value setting (usually after keyboard RTN or other means) and fires the editorSave event so consumers (i.e. DataTable) can make final changes to the Model or dataset.

Thank you to Satyam for his guidance on configuring the event publishing, defaultFn related to this technique!


  • val String | Number | Date

    Raw value setting to be saved after editing


  • td

Displays the inline cell editor and positions / resizes the INPUT to overlay the edited TD element.

Set the initial value for the INPUT element, after preprocessing (if reqd)


  • td Node

    The Node instance of the TD to begin editing on



String protected static

CSS classname to identify the editor's INPUT Node

Default: 'yui3-datatable-inline-input'


Node protected static

Placeholder for the created INPUT Node created within the View container

Default: null


Array of EventHandles protected static

Array of detach handles to any listeners set on this View class

Default: null


Object static

Defines the View container events and listeners used within this View

Default: See Code


String static

Defines the INPUT HTML content "template" for this editor's View container

Default: '<input type="text" class="{cssInput}" />'




A cell reference object populated by the calling DataTable, contains the following key properties: {td,value,recClientId,colKey}

Default: {}



Prescribes a CSS class name to be added to the editor's INPUT node after creation.

Default: null



Setting to check if the editor is "still open" but just hidden, created in order to support scrolling datatables when an editor scrolls out of open window.

Default: false



This flag dictates whether the View container is hidden when the mouse leaves the focus of the inline container. Typically we want this behavior, one example where we don't would be an inline autocomplete editor.

Default: true



Maintains a reference back to the calling DataTable instance

Default: null



A flag to indicate if cell-to-cell navigation should be implemented (currently setup for CTRL-arrow key, TAB and Shift-TAB) capability

Default: true


Array as row,col from current TD

Tracks navigation changes during keyboard input as relative [row,col] changes from the currently active cell TD.

Default: []


RegExp | Function

Provides a keystroke filtering capability to restrict input into the editing area checked during the "keypress" event. This attribute is set to either a RegEx or a function that confirms if the keystroke was valid for this editor. (TRUE meaning valid, FALSE meaning invalid)

If a function is provided, the single argument is the keystroke event facade e and if the keystroke is valid it should return true, otherwise if invalid false;

Default: null


 /\d/            // for numeric digit-only input
 /\d|\-|\./      // for floating point numeric input
 /\d|\//         // for Date field entry in MM/DD/YYYY format


String | Number | Date

Value that was contained in the cell when the Editor View was displayed

Default: null



Name for this View instance

Default: null



Function to execute on the "data" contents just prior to displaying in the Editor's main view (i.e. typically used for pre-formatting Date information from JS to mm/dd/YYYY format)

This function will receive one argument "value" which is the data value from the record, and the function runs in Editor scope.

Default: null



Function to execute when Editing is complete, prior to "saving" the data to the Record (Model) This function will receive one argument "value" which is the data value from the INPUT and within the scope of the current View instances.

This method is intended to be used for input validation prior to saving. If the returned value is "undefined" the cancelEditor method is executed.

Default: null


RegExp | Function

Provides the capability to validate the final saved value after editing is finished. This attribute can be set to either a RegEx or a function, that operates on the entire "value" setting of the editor input (whereas keyFiltering performs validation checks on each key input).

If a function is provided, the single argument is the value setting of the editor. the keystroke is valid it should return true, otherwise if invalid false;

Default: null


 /\d/            // for numeric digit-only input
 /\d|\-|\.|\+/   // for floating point numeric input
 /\d|\//         // for Date field entry in MM/DD/YYYY format


String | Number | Date

Value that was saved in the Editor View and returned to the record

Default: null



Setting for checking the visibility status of this Editor

Default: false



XY coordinate position of the editor View container (INPUT)

Default: null



Fired when editing is cancelled (without saving) on this cell editor

Event Payload:

  • rtn Object

    Returned object

    • td Node

      TD Node for the edited cell

    • cell Object

      Current cell object

    • oldValue String | Number | Date

      Data value of this cell prior to editing


View event fired when the inline editor has been initialized and ready for usage. This event can be listened to in order to add additional content or widgets, etc onto the View's container.

Event Payload:

  • rtn Object

    Returned object

    • inputNode Node

      The created INPUT[text] node

    • container Object

      The View container


Event fired when the cell editor View is destroyed.

Implementers can listen for this event to check if any sub-components / widgets, etc.. they had created as part of this View need to be destroyed or listener unbound.


Fired when the active cell editor is hidden


Event that is fired when the user has finished editing the View's cell contents (signified by either a keyboard RTN entry or "Save" button, etc...).

This event is intended to be the PRIMARY means for implementers to know that the editing has been completed and validated. Consumers (i.e. DataTable) should listen to this event and process it's results to save to the Model and or dataset for the DT.

Event Payload:

  • rtn Object

    Returned object

    • td Node

      TD Node for the edited cell

    • cell Object

      Current cell object

    • oldValue String | Number | Date

      Data value of this cell prior to editing

    • newValue String | Number | Date

      Data value of this cell after editing


Event fired when the cell editor is displayed and becomes visible.

Implementers may listen for this event if they have configured complex View's, that include other widgets or components, to update their UI upon displaying of the view.

Event Payload:

  • rtn Object

    Returned object

    • td Node

      TD Node instance of the calling editor

    • inputNode Node

      The editor's INPUT / TEXTAREA Node

    • value String | Number | Date

      The current "value" setting

    • cell Object
